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Chili Brew-Off

DATE: tbd2025
TIME: 5pm-9pm

The Chili Brew-Off is the Chagrin Valley Jaycees' wintertime fundraiser.  Several local businesses, restaurants and individuals present their best chili recipe at what is now The Valley’s largest chili cook off. 

The event also features beers from local micro-brewing companies, hence the name "Chili Brew-Off."

The Chili Brew-Off was originally the Chagrin Valley Chili Cook Off.  It was coordinated by the Chagrin Falls Fire Department and was used to promote funding for the burn building that the fire fighters would utilize for practicing.

The Jaycees took over from the fire department in 2008 and in 2017 established the addition of a micro brew tasting, transforming this event into the now known "Chili Brew-Off"

Four awards are given to chili entries, and one award is given to the best micro-brewer. 

Event Chairman

Chili Brew-Off


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