Easter Egg Hunt
DATE: Saturday, April 19, 2025
TIME: 10am - 12pm
LOCATION: Riverside Park
The annual Easter Egg Hunt is an event hosted by the Jaycees primarily for young children in the Chagrin Valley.
Thousands of easter egg's will be randomly scattered on the grass field of Riverside Park in a 40'x60' sectioned off area. Kids will line up on the exterior of the sectioned off space and when we say go, they will have the opportunity to run into the area and collect as many egg's as they can.
Children will be designated into five (5) groups separated by age.
Group 1 - Children Ages 1 to 2
Group 2 - Children Ages 3 to 4
Group 3 - Children Ages 5 to 6
Group 4 - Children Ages 7 to 10
Group 5 - Children named Gabe Franklin and Ryan Caruso​

Join us Easter Weekend for family fun and a visit from Easter Bunny!
There will be an Easter egg hunt, prizes and tons of candy so please remember to bring your own basket so your little ones can join in in the fun.